Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November's Munch of the Month: Sweet as Honey

Honey, honey. Naturally sweet, sticky, and oh-so scrumptious.

It is the perfect compliment warm delights, such as soothing tea, peanut butter on toast, or even in a bowl of oatmeal (and we all know how I love oatmeal!).

I was thrilled to hear that raw, natural honey is full of immunity-friendly health benefits. In fact, I found an entire website devoted to this tasty topping!

Honey is naturally sweet. It has minerals and 22 types of amino acids that can help promote overall health and even speed up metabolism. It is full of microorganisms and antioxidants, which have the potential to combat bacteria, sooth sore throats, and even possibly kill chemical properties that have been known to cause cancer. These antioxidants also help in the growth of body tissue, and promote healthy skin.

Honey is simple to digest and boasts cleansing properties. Many people take honey to help aid in the development of a healthier digestive system; it can be used to relieve diarrhea and soothe stomach ulcers.
